Upcoming PCARC Events

Hello all, 

After all the fun at Field Day this month, we have several more upcoming events I wanted to notify you about. 

July 10th – Perry Day Camp (1-3pm)
July 11th – July Meeting (7pm)
July 17th – Perry Day Camp (1-3pm)
July 20th – License Examination & Elmer Session (0900-1200)
August 8th – August Meeting (7pm)
August 13- 17th – PeCo Fair (4pm-10pm)

For the Perry Day Camp days, we are still looking for additional volunteers to assist with running a POTA station or giving a brief (10 min) presentation to the children. Please let us know if you can join for either (or both!) days. 

Take note of the June 20th license examination and elmer session – at our last meeting, we mentioned doing “Stump the Elmer” sessions to answer questions for licensees and those who are studying for their license. We would like to host an exam session from 0930-1030 that morning, followed by the Stump the Elmer session from 1030-1200. Approval for use of the EMS building has been obtained. We need VEs and Elmers to volunteer – please let us know if you are available to assist with either or both activities! 

Finally, the Perry County Fair will be here before you know it. If you are able to volunteer some time to help at the stand, donate equipment, or operate the station, please let myself or Sam know. 

Keep an eye out for additional information and don’t hesitate to forward any questions you may have. 
