PCARC July Meeting
Join us for the July meeting of PCARC at the Duncannon EMS building located at 16 Shermanta Drive, Duncannon, PA 17020. Come hear about the projects the club is working on to help us grow!
National Night Out
Join PCARC in Landisburg for National Night Out! Come visit and help spread information about our club to the community!
PCARC September Meeting
Duncannon CTC 16 Shermanta Dr, Duncannon, Pennsylvania, United StatesJoin us for the September meeting!
PCARC October Meeting
Duncannon CTC 16 Shermanta Dr, Duncannon, Pennsylvania, United StatesJoin us for the October meeting of PCARC! Officer nominations will be held this month, any dues paying member can nominate or be nominated!
PCARC November Meeting
Duncannon CTC 16 Shermanta Dr, Duncannon, Pennsylvania, United StatesThe next meeting of PCARC will be held on Thursday, November 9th at 7 PM. The meeting will take place at our standard location in Duncannon. Officer elections will also be held this month. If you have paid your dues, you may vote for the next round of officers. If you have not yet paid […]
PCARC December Meeting
Duncannon CTC 16 Shermanta Dr, Duncannon, Pennsylvania, United StatesJoin us for the December meeting, discuss new business, and learn about wire antennas from our new VP! We will also be preparing for the VE test session happening next month! Hope to see you there!
PCARC January Meeting
Duncannon CTC 16 Shermanta Dr, Duncannon, Pennsylvania, United StatesLicense Testing
Duncannon CTC 16 Shermanta Dr, Duncannon, Pennsylvania, United StatesPCARC March Meeting
Duncannon CTC 16 Shermanta Dr, Duncannon, Pennsylvania, United StatesPCARC April Meeting
Duncannon CTC 16 Shermanta Dr, Duncannon, Pennsylvania, United StatesJoin us for the April meeting of PCARC to discuss current club events and upcoming plans, followed by a presentation on Fox Hunting techniques for our upcoming Fox Hunt this spring!
Splitrock Amateur Radio Association
Splitrock Hamfest
PCARC May Meeting
Duncannon CTC 16 Shermanta Dr, Duncannon, Pennsylvania, United StatesIt's that time again! Join us for the May meeting of PCARC next Thursday, May 9th at 7 PM. Meeting will be held at the Duncannon EMS building. Join us to discuss the upcoming club events including Field Day (next month!!), the Perry County Fair, and our Fox Hunt, among other things. On the note […]